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福禄克Fluke Fiber QuickMap™多模光纤距离和故障定位仪
福禄克Fluke Fiber OneShot™ PRO光纤测试仪
福禄克Fluke VisiFault™ Visual Fault Locator电缆连通性测试仪
福禄克Fluke MultiFiber™ Pro光功率计及光纤测试工具包
福禄克Fluke FI-7000 FiberInspector™ Pro光纤显微摄像机
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之前发过一个如何安装、激活BenchVue软件的视频,我已经在置顶的评论里说了,官方关掉了激活通道,那个方法已经行不通了,但是还是有人留言、私信问各种关于激活的问题,实际上只有两条路:1、像授权经销商购买软件License,享受官方的售后服务2、直接下载没有服务但是免费的Basic版本BenchVue软件第一条路大家可以自行寻找你所在城市的授权经销商咨询,第二条路我指给你,但是因为官方是不提供技术服务的,所以你也不要指望我这里能有多少支持能力。官方对Basic版本和机器内置License版本的差异对比 Basic版本的官网地址如下:https://www.keysight.com.cn/cn/zh/lib/resources/technical-specifications/pathwave-benchvue-basic.html首先免费版本支持的仪器种类并不完整,但是也覆盖了常见的各种仪器,如果这个列表里没有你想要的产品,那么恭喜你,请回头走第一条路。Basic版本的BenchVue软件支持的仪器类型 如果你想要的软件刚好在列表中,那么恭喜你,点击红色字体的链接就会跳转到相应的下载页面,安装就是了。 数据采集器的Basic版软件 这些软件里有些有两种不同的版本,一个叫Standalone版本,一个叫Platform版本,其实就是顾名思义,一个就是独立运行的,一个就是嵌入在BV框架内部的,实际使用起来有一些差别,主要是有些新型号的仪器只能用Standalone版本,能用哪个就用哪个吧,两个都安装没有关系。但是如果之前安装过内置序列号激活的,可能需要先把老版本的软件卸载掉,再重新安装Basic版本的软件,已经在一些客户那边发现了冲突的问题。如果说你的安装电脑没办法实时联网,需要离线的安装包,这次Basic版本的BenchVue也提供了离线版本的下载离线安装包下载页面正常情况下,BenchVue的下载器会自动安装Connection Expert驱动库软件,但是有可能在某些情况下自动下载的并不是最新版本,那么可以手动下载最新的Connection Expert软件,特别是在WIN11上遇到无法通过USB连接仪器的问题,那大概率安装最新版驱动库软件就可以解决。Connection Expert驱动库软件官方地址如下:https://www.keysight.com.cn/cn/zh/lib/software-detail/computer-software/io-libraries-suite-downloads-2175637.html打开网页往下拉,找到IOLS 2023的按钮,点击下载。不要管这个按钮是第几个,要看名字对的那个,IOLS=IO Libraries Suite也就是驱动库软件,其他的不需要。 IOLS软件下载按钮基本上这一套组合拳下来,BV软件都能跑起来了,希望各位同学用好手上的仪器,提高学习和工作的效率。...
无线Wi-Fi因为其便利性、移动性、灵活部署、可扩展性和便于施工广受青睐。但要充分发挥无线Wi-Fi的性能,也非易事,一个重要的管理内容就是无线电空口资源的使用效率。一般来说,不同区域或国家都会有相应的无线电管理委员会,主要承担无线电监测和无线电频谱管理工作,Wi-Fi既然是一种无线技术,则需要在一定的规则下使用无线电资源。从全球来说,2022年,Wi-Fi的频段资源分为三个部分频段。① 2.4GHz频段,包括2.4~2.5GHz频段,100MHz带宽,适用于IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ax。② 5GHz频段,包括UNII-1(5.15~5.25GHz)、UNII-2a(5.25~5.35GHz)、UNII-2c(5.470~5.725GHz)、UNII-3(5.725~5.825GHz)等频段,适用于IEEE 802.11a/n/ac/ax。③ 6GHz频段,包括UNII-5、UNII-6、UNII-7、UNII-8(5.925~7.125GHz)等频段,1200MHz带宽。2020年4月,FCC开放了6GHz频段的频谱供未经许可者使用,这意味着Wi-Fi今后可以使用更多开放的无线电波来传输信号,新的商标为Wi-Fi6E,适用于IEEE 802.11ax。我国尚未确定是否把6GHz频段中的全部1200MHz带宽用于5G移动通信,也可能参照欧盟的标准,把部分频段留给Wi-Fi6E。所以目前来说,我国可用Wi-Fi频段是2.4G ISM频段和5G UMII频段(UNII-1,UNII-2a,UNII-3),如下图所示。我国可用Wi-Fi频段但是这些频段也是无需授权使用的无线电资源频段,意味着民用的诸多无线电产品均可以使用这些频段。常见的蓝牙设备、微波炉、日光灯、摄像头等等都可能成为干扰Wi-Fi的因素,因此分析Wi-Fi干扰原因需要借助能够透视2.4G频段和5G频段的设备。常见引起Wi-Fi干扰的设备NetAlly EtherScope nXG 300C作为一台便携手持式测试工具配合NXT-1000频谱分析卡,可以全面了解射频情况及其评估干扰对无线网络的影响。Etherscope nXG 300c网络测试仪和NXT-1000频谱卡它可以支持通过提供 2.4GHz 和 5.0GHz 频段的可见性来简化干扰故障排除定位在射频环境中运行的任何 Wi-Fi 或非 Wi-Fi 干扰源便于观察 Wi-Fi 干扰活动特征,减少定位和修复无线网络问题的时间定位恶意的射频干扰源(如射频干扰器)来保护 Wi-Fi 网络 获得直观的诊断视图频率频谱 -跨频段的频谱( 热图) 显示瀑布图-RF的瀑布图显示( 2分钟历史)实时FFT-实时显示当前、平均和最大保持信号强度...
AirCheck G3 注册和激活步骤AirCheck G3s require an activation code for product usage. You have 30 days from first start up to register the product and receive your product Activation Code. The following will take you step-by-step to Register you AirCheck G3 product and receive and enter your Activation Code.翻译:AirCheck G3需要激活码才能使用产品。从首次启动起,您有30天的时间注册产品并收到您的产品激活码。以下内容将带您逐步注册AirCheck G3产品,并接收并输入您的激活码。1. Using Chrome, Edge, or Safari browsers, login to Registered Products page from, located in the top right, under Sign In, on NetAlly.com.翻译:使用Chrome、Edge或Safari浏览器,从位于NetAlly.com右上角“登录”下的“注册产品”页面登录。If you are a new user, simply set up a new account following the steps under CREATING AN ACCOUNT described here:如果您是新用户,只需按照此处描述的创建帐户下的步骤设置一个新帐户:KB Article · Customer Self-Service (netally.com)2. Select Register Product(选择注册产品)3. Input the requested information including Serial Number, Product Name (will auto-populate), Purchase Date (using the calendar or month/day/year format), and Company name from whom the product was purchased.翻译:输入所需信息,包括序列号、产品名称(将自动填充)、购买日期(使用日历或月/日/年格式)和购买产品的公司名称。4. After selecting, Register Product, your registered products page should load. If you do not see the product that you just registered, you may need to wait 5 – 10 seconds and refresh the page. Note that your AllyCare Support may take up to 72 hours to be displayed. If you have claimed your AirCheck G3 on Link-Live, you may not see your AllyCare reflected until the AllyCare registration process has been completed.翻译:选择“注册产品”后,应加载您的注册产品页面。如果您没有看到刚刚注册的产品,您可能需要等待5-10秒才能刷新页面。请注意,您的AllyCare支持可能需要长达72小时才能显示。如果您已经在Link Live上领取了AirCheck G3,在AllyCare注册过程完成之前,您可能不会看到您的AllyCare得到反映。From this page, select the Get Code link to the right of your AirCheck G3.翻译:在此页面中,选择AirCheck G3右侧的“获取代码”链接。5. A pop-up dialogue should appear at the top of your browser window.翻译:浏览器窗口顶部应出现弹出对话框。 6. Input this code on the Activation screen that appears when you power on your AirCheck G3 and tap VALIDATE.翻译:在打开AirCheck G3电源时出现的激活屏幕上输入此代码,然后点击VALIDATE。NOTE: If you receive an authentication code with the letter "n", that is not a valid character. Please log out and log in again using Chrome, Edge or Safari browsers.翻译:注意:如果您收到一个带有字母“n”的身份验证码,则该字符无效。请使用Chrome、Edge或Safari浏览器注销并重新登录。...
BACKGROUNDSome of our customers have commented on the lack of an Ethernet test port on the AirCheck G3. While a useful feature, the decision to leave that capability off AirCheck G3 was driven by the following factors:• The Ethernet test port was left off for space (both board space and package size), power, cost, and cooling reasons.• The elimination of the Ethernet port is what has allowed us to create a Wi-Fi analyzer with 10 hours of use time – feedback from our beta customers and others about the trade-off (“Would you rather have 10 hours of usage or 3-4 hours with Ethernet testing?” invariably, the answer is, “Yes, please give us more testing time.”• We choose to go with the 2nd Wi-Fi radio as the management port since this is a Wi-Fi tester and the convenience of the Wi-Fi connected management plane allows scanning while uploading data or when using remote control. Our focus is on complete mobile operation.SOLUTIONWhile most AirCheck G2 users operate in installed Wi-Fi environments and are not using/testing wired connections, we recognize that at certain project phases or in confirming network configuration, testing AP uplinks is still a necessary function. We also recognize that any change in functionality between product generations (e.g., the EtherScope nXG does not do inline testing compared to its predecessor, the OneTouch G2) will affect some users, we have identified 3 solutions:1. For the case of uploading test data at sites without any Wi-Fi or hotspot, the current G3 supports any USB (Type A) Ethernet adapter. These are quite popular (dozens for $15 USD, even the Amazon Basics brand) because newer laptops also do not support wired Ethernet, nor do tablets/gaming stations. In addition to providing a wired management plane for pushing results to Link-Live or for remote operation, this also provides ‘basic’ connectivity testing as you will see Link/Traffic LEDs on the adapter and the G3 will show the wired IP address – see image below. (In many cases, the IP address provides the user an indication of what VLAN the port is a member of.)2. In our December v2.2 release for AirCheck G3, we added the ability to ‘pair’ a LinkSprinter® or Test Accessory to an AirCheck G3 via Link-Live. Anytime a wired test is run from the paired tester (on a link with connectivity to Link-Live), the results will be automatically pushed from Link-Live back to the AirCheck where they will be displayed – think of it as a display on the LinkSprinter or Test Accessory when the LEDs do not provide enough information.3. We have identified a new 2.5GBASE-T USB Ethernet dongle that we are investigating for future support of testing newer 6/6E wired AP connections.See below for example of Ethernet link IP address when using a USB adapter:Below, see configuration of Link-Live for pairing LinkSprinter or Test Accessory to an AirCheck G3. Test results are pushed to the tester from Link-Live and can be seen in the Android notifications drop-down....
To update the firmware on your AirCheck G3 you must have a valid AllyCare support contract on the device. To mitigate any issues caused by losing power please ensure the battery is charged to at least 50% or the device is plugged in to the charger during the update.Updating device firmware:1. From the Home screen, select the Link-Live application:2. In the Link-Live app select the upper left menu:3. Select the Software Update option:4. On the Software Update screen you can see the installed and available versions; select the DOWNLOAD +INSTALL option:5. Download status will display:6. Once downloaded the device will automatically reboot. After start-up, navigate back to the Link-Live app and the Software Update page to see the installed version. DOWNLOAD + REINSTALL will be displayed if no update is available:...
AirCheck G3: Restore Factory Defaults This operation will delete all test results, user-installed applications, testing app settings, and saved files, and reset device settings to the factory default state. Make sure to back up any files you desire to keep. Factory Reset from the UI:1. To access the Android device settings, touch the Settings icon at the bottom of the Home Screen.2. On the Settings screen, scroll down and tap System.3. On the System screen, tap Reset options.4. On the Reset options screen, select an option based on which defaults you want restored. Whichever option you choose, AirCheck G3 displays a list of the items that will be reset based on the option.Reset Wi-Fi, mobile, & BluetoothReset app preferencesErase all data (factory reset)5. Tap Erase all data (factory reset) to initiate and tap RESET TESTER.6. The unit may ask you to confirm a final time before resetting. Touch the final confirmation button to reset your AirCheck G3's defaults.The device restarts with factory default settings. Factory Reset from Recovery Mode (preferred method):1. Press and hold the Volume Up and Power button for a few seconds until you access the Android Recovery screen, then release.2. Navigate (using up/down volume keys) to highlight "wipe data/factory reset" and press the power button to apply. 3. Depending on how much data is saved, it will take a few minutes to process.4. When complete, highlight the option to reboot. ...
AirCheck G3: Product Models Implementation of the 6.0 GHz spectrum varies by country. AirCheck-G3-Pro: Full Tri-band (全三频)AirCheck-G3E-Pro: Partial Tri-band(部分三频)AirCheck-G3C-Pro: Dual band only (2.4/5GHz)(双频) Partial tri-band operates only in specific channels in the 6 GHz band as determined by 802.11d regulatory domain information.Dual band only is for countries where any operation in the 6.0 GHz band is not allowed....
使用高级测试应用程序测试、验证 Wi-Fi 6 和蓝牙/BLE 网络并排除故障使用 AirMapper™ Site Survey 进行 Wi-Fi 和蓝牙/BLE 站点调查使用 Link-Live 自动发现并立即生成有线和 Wi-Fi 网络的拓扑图使远程工程师能够排除故障并与现场技术人员协作验证关键服务和关键终端设备的 Wi-Fi 网络性能使用可选的 NXT 便携式频谱分析仪适配器支持 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 频谱分析无缝整合、分析和管理现场测试数据,并通过 Link-Live 与网络管理系统集成 功能AirCheck G3AirCheck G2802.11 Media 类型支持802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax(802.11ax visibility provided using an 802.11ac radio)Wi-Fi Bands(2.4,5,6GHz)三频段双频802.11 无线电数量21802.11 空间流2 x 2 and 1 x 13 x 3蓝牙支持是否操作系统Android (runs 3rd party apps)Custom version of embedded Linux典型电池寿命10 小时4.5 小时充电时间3-4 小时7 小时AirMapper Wi-Fi 站点勘测是(同一勘测中的主动或被动)是 (同一勘测中的主动或被动)AirMapper Bluetooth/BLE 站点勘测是否Wi-Fi吞吐量测量是 (iPerf 3, Test Accessory, and SpeedTest support)是 (iPerf 3 and Test Accessory support)Spectrum Analysis是 (optional with NXT-1000)否捕包是 (includes Wi-Fi 6 data frames)是 (does not include Wi-Fi 6 data frames)信道重叠 (“信道地图”)是 (2.4, 5, 6GHz 频段)是 (2.4, 5GHz 频段)自动测试功能是(一次多个配置文件)是 (一次一个配置文件)周期自动测试是否一段时间内的 Wi-Fi 趋势是否专家建议是否设备名字是是 (AP names only)(Both AP and Client names)拓扑映射是(Using Link-Live)否云远程控制是(Using Link-Live)否外部天线支持是(Tri-band)是(Dual Band)...
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