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In the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer, this is implemented automatically. If you test to either “ISO11801 Class Ea Channel” or “ISO11801 Class?PL2 Class Ea” and the insertion loss measurement is less than 12 dB at 450 MHz, a relaxed?NEXT limit may be applied. It is not possible to change PASS/FAIL limits in a field tester based on the measured result of a parameter. Compliance with ISO/IEC 11801 Class EA?requirements can be verified using the DTX CableAnalyzer in one of two ways: by obtaining a PASS condition using the regular “ISO11801 Channel Class Ea” or ”ISO11801 PL2 Class Ea” test option, orby obtaining a PASS condition using an alternate “ISO11801 Chan Class Ea Low IL” or “ISO11801 PL2 Class Ea Low IL” option; if a PASS* conditions applies to insertion loss, the true result should be a PASS, as explained in the following.ISO/IEC 11802:2002 Amendment 2 (Published April 2010) – Table A.5 “For Configurations PL1, PL2, and CP1, whenever the class EA?permanent link insertion loss at 450 MHz is less than 12 dB, subtract the term 1,4((f – 450)/50) to the equation stated above for the range of 450 MHz to 500 MHz.” ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 (Published August 2009) There is no such rule/requirement in this North American Standard for Category 6A. Reality check It is very unlikely that implementing the “12 dB rule” is going to turn your failing NEXT and PS NEXT results into a PASS. That’s because the NEXT limit is relaxed between 450 MHz and 500 MHz only, and not by much. Let’s take an example:Tested to “ISO11801 PL2 Class Ea”Tested to “ISO11801 PL2 Class Ea Low IL”It did not change the outcome of the test result, because the failing NEXT was not between 450 MHz and 500 MHz. This may be better explained using an animation:Known issue in previous DTX code The “ISO ClassEa Ch AMD1 Low IL” and “ISO ClassEa PL2 25N1599?Lo IL” test options in the DTX had an insertion loss limit of 12 dB at 450 MHz to prevent the user from incorrectly applying the “12 dB rule” detailed previously. The DTX CableAnalyzer (Version 1.36 limits) had an insertion loss limit that has a step response at 450 MHz as indicated below:This could result in a measurement incorrectly assigning a FAIL for the insertion loss parameter. It’s incorrect because the existing limit for insertion loss still applies; the 12 dB is only used for assessing whether the relaxed NEXT limit should be applied. As a result, we have changed the limit for insertion loss in the DTX CableAnalyzer and LinkWare software. The above result will now look like:The change indicated was incorporated into the DTX CableAnalyzer Software Version 2.22 and LinkWare 6.0 releases. If the AUTOTEST fails now, it’s because it failed to meet the 12 dB insertion loss requirement at 450 MHz, indicating that this test option cannot be used to achieve a PASS result for the Class EA?channel. It is possible for the DTX CableAnalyzer to report a PASS* for insertion loss @ 450 MHz if the measured insertion loss at 450 MHz is closer to 12 dB than the specified accuracy of the DTX CableAnalyzer. This PASS* for insertion loss?indicates that the DTX CableAnalyzer cannot determine within its measurement accuracy whether the relaxed NEXT and PS NEXT limits are applicable. It does not necessarily indicate that the measured insertion loss is within the measurement uncertainty of the limits for insertion loss that is applicable to ISO/IEC 11801 Class EA?cabling. If necessary, the true insertion loss performance of the cabling can be verified using the regular “ISO11801 Channel Class Ea” and “ISO11801 PL2 ClassEa”?test options, and observing the test result for insertion loss. If this result does not contain a PASS* result for insertion loss, the PASS* for insertion loss of the ISO11801 Chan ClassEa?Low IL test, technically speaking, should be a PASS and not PASS*. This is a limitation of the code in the DTX CableAnalyzer. In conclusion: The overall result of an ISO/IEC 11801 Class EA?test should be as follows:If either the “ISO11801Channel Class Ea” or “ISO11801Chan Class Ea Low IL” test shows a pass, the result is a PASS.If either the?”ISO11801 PL2?ClassEa” or “ISO11801 PL2 ClassEa Low IL”?test shows a pass, the result is a PASS.If the “ISO11801Chan Class Ea Low IL” or “ISO11801 PL2 ClassEa Low IL”?test shows a PASS* that is caused by the result for insertion loss only, the result of the “ISO11801Chan Class Ea Low IL” or “ISO11801 PL2 ClassEa Low IL”?should be reviewed for insertion loss only; if this result is a PASS, the result of the “ISO11801Chan Class Ea Low IL” or “ISO11801 PL2 ClassEa Low IL” test can be considered to be PASS (the ‘*” is not applicable)....
A YouTube video explaining how this this works is also?available from here.This is applicable to ALL test limits in the DTX CableAnalyzer where a Return Loss measurement is made.When?the Insertion Loss is less than 3.0 dB at the frequency point where the measurement is made, then the Return Loss measurement is ignored and not uated against the selected Test Limit/Cabling Standard in the DTX CableAnalyzer.This is often referred to as the?3 dB rule.It applies to ALL cabling standards/test limits in the DTX CableAnalyzer.On a short?link,the Insertion Loss may never reach 3.0 dB.If that were to happen, then the entire measurement would be?ignored, or as the cabling standards phrase it; “recorded for information only”.If this were to happen with your DTX CableAnalyzer, you would see an “i” appear next to the summary result for that test parameter.In LinkWare software, the result would be recorded with “N/A’.An example is shown below:Concern is normally caused when the result has a negative margin.In this example we see the Return Loss margin was -2.2. A?negative margin is normally associated with a FAIL, but because the entire link never exceeded 3.0 dB Insertion Loss, it is not a FAIL.Let’s review in detail how this works by looking at another example test result.A TIA Cat 5e Perm.Link AUTOTEST was run on a 29.0 m installed link, giving the following result:Looks normal – very nice margins.Let’s take a look at the Return Loss result in a little more detail:You will observe that?the limit line has two colors, black and red.The cabling standards do not require the cable tester manufacturer to display where the?3 dB rule is implemented to the user, only that it is implemented.However, the DTX CableAnalyzer will indicate where the 3 dB rule has been implemented by changing the color of the limit line.If the?limit line is black, it?indicates that the Insertion Loss was less than 3.0 dB.If the?limit line is red, the Insertion Loss was 3.0 dB or greater.So for this Pair 3,6 the Return Loss?is not uated below 29.3 MHz. Let’s take a quick look at the Insertion Loss for Pair 3,6:As you can see, the Insertion Loss reached 3.0 dB at 29.3 MHz, as previously indicated in the Return Loss Pair 3,6 graph above.It’s an interesting rule, because if it were not in place, our margin for the above result would reduce from 10.2 dB to 9.0 dB:As previously mentioned, if the link is particularly short, then the Insertion Loss may never reach 3.0 dB and the entire Return Loss?result is “ignored”.Let’s take a closer look at the first example where the test result was:Looking at the worst case Return Loss result, we see the entire limit line is black, suggesting that the Insertion Loss for Pair?3,6 never reached 3.0 dB:Looking at the Insertion Loss for Pair 3,6:We see that the Insertion did indeed never reach 3.0 dB, so the entire measurement is not uated against the limit line (ignored) and recorded as “i” Information Only.If this result was downloaded to LinkWare Software, the report would show N/A against this measurement:No further action is required by the installer.This is a valid standards compliant result....
FLUKE DTX系列测试报告中为什么会出现*号?以及同样的线材在不同的测试平台上的结果为什么会有不一致的现象? 请看下面文章:通常如果测试的最差余量不幸落在了仪器的测试精度范围之外,在设备的测试界面上我们就会发现会多出(*).号标志 。 这恰好是基于ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-BandIEC61935-1的标准要求来做的. 让我们来看看在什么频率点出现1.9db的余量值为了更好的便于理解,在下附图中我们将标准极限值的用红色线条标识出来.用两条黑色的线条来标识出仪器的精度判别范围,其中黄色区域将是精度无法识别的区间.在所有的测试结果结果当中,如果不幸有测试的最差余量值落在了这个区间,那么将会有(*)予以明确标示.这对于理解在频率域范围内的波形幅度变化是非常重要的。我们选择线对Pair3,6-4,5绘制出下图:刚好在这个无法判别的精度区间,因此*会出现在最终的测试结果当中。总结:通常如果出现*号的标示,不论是通过或者不通过,我们认为当前的测试结果都是超出了机器的判别精度范围之外,因此我们需要就相同的线材进行多次测试,验证经过多次测试结果是否一致?或者换一下接头,把线材调一个头测试一下。另外,为什么不同仪器会有不同值。以DTX-1800为例:有的插入损耗0.1的结果上面是标注有*号的,标有*号的意味着是在精度范围之外,机器已经无法判断出测试结果究竟是不是通过,有些它就会以“失败”来判断出此次测试结果;同样,另外一台DTX-1800的机器上,测试结果是以通过来标识的,它的插入损耗为0.9也是标注有*号的,也就是说DTX-1800这台机器它的某些测试指标上下容许有正负1+1%的上下浮动误差。...
福禄克DSX-5000关于线缆类型的说明,如果您手里头刚好有福禄克DSX-5000 Cableanalyzer 线缆分析仪,那么您可以很明显的看到它与福禄克DTX1800的区别,那就是前面有S和U的区别,那他们是什么意思呢?U-FTP,SF-UTP,S-FTP,U-UTP,F-UTP,福禄克DSX5000线缆类型详细介绍技术资料:U-FTP双绞线:没有总屏蔽层,线对屏蔽为铝箔屏蔽的屏蔽双绞线;SF-UTP双绞线:总屏蔽层为丝网+铝箔的双重屏蔽,线对没有屏蔽的双重屏蔽双绞线;S-FTP双绞线:总屏蔽层为丝网,线对屏蔽为铝箔屏蔽的双重屏蔽双绞线。U-UTP双绞线:即通常所说的UTP双绞线,非屏蔽双绞线;F-UTP双绞线:总屏蔽层为铝箔屏蔽,没有线对屏蔽层的屏蔽双绞线;UTP Unshielded Twisted Paired 非屏蔽双绞线,除某些特殊场合(如受电磁辐射严重、对传输质量要求较高等)在布线中使用。...
安装一个PC LinkWare 9.3软件。下载页面:www.faxytech.com/Linkware, 下载版本4.2 固件,以及记住保存的固件文件!确保您的电池电量充足;如果有疑问,电源连接到你的DSX-5000仪器。打开电脑LinkWare软件9.3 。在Versiv/ TFS主框架连接到使用随附单元的微型USB线的电脑。点击 Utilities > DSX-CableAnalyzer > Software Update 加载 update_4_2_Build_6.cic 文件。...
在使用福禄克FLuke DSX-5000的过程中,有些人会有这样的疑问,为什么同材质不一样会显示不一样的长度呢?下面连讯达工程师叫您如果校准您的DSX-5000线缆认证分析仪。你只需要做以下简单几步就能完成操作。输入数字(使用供应商的数据表格)。选择对应的线缆类型。利用已知长度的线缆校准NVP。校准NVP的时候,至少需要30M-100M的线材,线材测试的实际长度,然后通过NVP变化,使线材的长度和校准长度一样。图文介绍:选择测试设置界面,选择NVP:选择Measure (测量)调整NVP使得长度等于你已知线缆的长度。 ...
什么是福禄克DSX-5000通道测试和永久链路测试?通常我们再测试过程中提到用什么测试标准,现在工程中大部分使用的是通道测试,也就是用跳线加通道然后选择对应的Channel标准,一般不用永久链路的原因是因为永久链路损耗,购买就太贵了。所以选择经济的跳线形势。除去这些因素,我们来看看他们到底有什么区别?我们如何选择争取的DSX-5000测试模式。第一:永久链路测试方法。为了获得有意义的测试结果,有必要福禄克DSX-5000选择适当的链路模型。“永久链路”的性能定义为:一条通过了测试的永久链路在添加了合格的跳线之后,所构成的“信道”其性能将自动满足标准规定的参数要求。“合格”的跳线是指按照跳线标准已通过了测试的跳线。 建议DSX-5000使用永久链路的测试模型和测试标准进行新安装电缆链路的认证。在永久链路的生命周期中,用户跳线和设备跳线可能会多次更换,而永久链路(及质量)是不变的。 永久链路测试模型要求“测试跳线”对于测量过程是完全透明的。在实际操作中,这意味着参数测量时,测试工具必须更加复杂,以便消除测试跳线的影响。 然而,实际的情况却是,永久链路模型包含了“末端连接”的特性 – 也就是说包含了测试适配器末端的8针插头(RJ45)和链路末端的插座的参数。对于近端串扰(NEXT)和回波损耗等重要参数,“插头-插座”的不同组合会带来各种不稳定的测试结果。为了正确评估链路末端的插座(在TO或配线架中)以及这些插座中线对终端的性能,永久链路测试适配器末端的插头应该是标准的测试插头,它对所有频率测试参数能够在所允许的窄带公差范围内提供元器件参数的“中心”性能,稳定且基本不偏离此中心。这就要求所有这些测试插头之间的差别不会很大,最重要的是:能够提供可重复的稳定测试结果。第二:通道测试方法。在帮助恢复服务或在应用支持活动中需要检测电缆时, 通常要进行通道(信道)测量, 而在一项新的安装结束时通常不进行道(信道)测试( 因为此时每条链路的跳线大多都还没安装)。正确的信道测量必须扣除测试仪的信道适配器(DSX-PC5ES,DSX-PC6S)与跳线连接(水晶头)的匹配影响。...
解读您网线Fluke测试报告。您的网线测试报告由我们的Fluke DTX-1800网线测试仪和相关的Fluke LinkWare软件生成。为了解释如何生成此测试报告,以及它上面显示的值和图形的含义,我们首先需要稍微触及一下这些规范。Fluke测试仪支持Cat 5e和6个跳线的两套规格:TIA和ISO规格。ISO规范比TIA更严格。对于Cat6a跳线,测试仪仅支持ISO规格。我们将销售符合TIA或ISO规格的网线; 在绝大多数情况下,我们的网线符合更严格的ISO规范。回波损耗的规格限制与网线长度无关; 相同的通过/失败限制适用于任何长度的网线。然而,串扰(NEXT)并非如此。串扰的规格限制随长度而变化,对于较长的网线而言变得更加宽松。在距离的短暂变化范围内,极限的变化很小,Fluke建议我们测试一个比测试网线稍长但不短的限制。然而,任何实际失败的网线“通过”的可能性都被Fluke建立在这些极限集中的误差参数范围,并将提醒测试操作员(并在测试报告中显示)测试是在测试者的统计误差范围内(因此不是铁的某些通过)。我们不会出售网线,除非它产生的误差范围之外的测试结果远远大于相邻极限集之间的差异。如果Cat 6或6a跳线超过20米,我们将针对20米标准进行测试,因为我们没有为更长的网线编写“限制设置”。这是一个示例测试报告,其中一些最重要的项目用于解释。1、测试限制:这是以米为单位的长度,计算了测试中使用的规格限制。它应始终等于或超过网线的实际长度,并代表Fluke测试仪具有一组编程限制的下一个更长的网线长度。2、长度,延迟,偏斜和阻力表:该表显示了测试仪对网线长度的估计(可能与实际长度不同 - 这个数字是通过测量电延迟来估算的),传播延迟(即信号从信号中获取的时间长度)网线的一端到另一端),以纳秒为单位,延迟偏斜以纳秒为单位(传播延迟从一对到另一对的最大差异),以及一对以欧姆为单位的电阻(不要与网线的特性阻抗相混淆,它始终处于或接近100欧姆)。3、串扰(NEXT)表:该表确定了网线中最差的近端串扰(NEXT)结果。串扰是其中一个数据对上的信号在另一个数据对上引发信号的趋势 - 这种现象在模拟世界中有时会导致您在使用电话时在后台隐约听到另一个对话。在网线中的每个可能的对/对组合之间测试串扰,并且从“主”和“远程”测试器单元测试串扰,每个的结果分别在“MAIN”和“SR”列下报告。右侧的“最坏情况值”表在跳线测试中始终为空白。“最糟糕的一对” - 该线显示,参考连接器引脚分配,哪组对表现出最差的串扰。这里经常(尽管不总是),将是36对和45对,因为36对必须被分开,因为它被端接到非相邻的引脚,并且位于连接器中的45对的正上方或下方,使这两对更容易相互串扰。以下三行将显示网线规格的净空高度,以及净空最窄的位置。 “NEXT(分贝)” - 该行未显示实际的NEXT(近端串扰)值; 相反,它显示了以dB为单位的最小余量,测得的NEXT值超过了测试极限。在这种情况下,最差的结果比所需的规格好3.2 dB。串扰随频率而变化,可接受的串扰限制也随频率而变化,并且该最小值可以在测试范围内的任何频率下发生。在测试范围内的其他地方的串扰性能总是至少同样好,并且在许多点上将比这个值好得多。注意,NEXT表示为正值,并且该值越高,串扰水平越低; 该值表示预期信号电平超过串扰电平的dB数。这导致看起来像“ “Freq。(MHz)” - 该行显示以兆赫为单位的频率,其中出现上面一行所示的最差NEXT余量。主要和远程单元获得了类似的结果,最差频率在一个方向上为239.5 MHz,在另一个方向上为241.0 MHz。 “Limit(dB)” - 此行显示所示频率下NEXT的限制(以dB为单位)。将此值添加到NEXT(dB)线上显示的边距将告诉您在测试网线中该频率下NEXT的实际值(以dB为单位)。4、回损表:该表确定了网线中用于回波损耗性能的最差对,并显示该对的最差通过裕量与规格的回波损耗限值。回波损耗是由于线路阻抗变化导致的网线中的信号引起的损耗。 - “最差对” - 再次参考连接器引脚分配,显示哪一对具有相对于规格限制的最小回波损耗裕度。 “RL(dB)” - 与上面相应的NEXT表一样,该值不显示回波损耗值,但显示了最坏的一对在最差频率下超过测试极限的dB数。在这种情况下,根据是使用主数据还是远程数据,最小边距为7.5(主)或10。 “频率(MHz)” - 回波损耗随频率变化很大,这表示测得的回波损耗最接近允许极限的频率。正如您所看到的,在这种特殊情况下,最小的余量发生在非常不同的频率(11.5和250 MHz),具体取决于是否咨询了主要或远程测试单元,但在这两种情况下,保证金都非常出色。 “限制(dB)” - 该行显示了相关频率下回波损耗的允许限值。此数字加上“RL(dB)”行中显示的余量,为您提供“Freq。(MHz)”行频率下网线的测试回波损耗值。再次,就像串扰一样,数字可能看起来是向后的:如果限制为20 dB,这意味着测试值应超过20 dB以通过规范,而不是更少,因为更高的dB值意味着更少的回波损耗,不多。为了使事情稍微有点混乱,有些人用负dB表示这些RL数字,这意味着它们与正dB表示完全相同 - 如果您遇到需要RL负值的规范,请牢记这一点。这些限制和测量完全相同,但符号相反。在里面 ”5、长度估计这里,如左边的表格,是基于信号通过它的时间估计的网线长度。这些估计通常相当接近但可能与测量的物理网线长度不同。6和7、 NEXT和RL图:这些图表显示了NEXT和回波损耗值,以dB为单位,因为它们随频率变化。水平轴是频率(Cat 5e将达到100 MHz,Cat 6将达到250 MHz,Cat 6a将达到500 MHz),垂直轴为dB。在每种情况下,相对平滑,较低的红色迹线显示测试极限,并且上面的不均匀,凹凸不平的彩色迹线显示六对组合(对于NEXT)或四对(对于RL),每个具有不同的颜色。只要配对和配对组合的迹线保持在适用的限制线以上,网线就会通过规范。你可能会怀疑,在看这些时,有一件事就是为什么它们如此笨重。除了像限制标记那样平滑,均匀的曲线,显示网线实际NEXT和RL的迹线往往具有峰和谷,在大多数情况下,在图中以规则的间隔重复。造成这种情况的原因可能有很多,但主要原因是信号通过网线传播时最大的“事件”是阻抗凸点,并伴随着导体在连接器处的重新定向(导致串扰增加)每一端。因为在这些点处存在反射,所以网线倾向于以与网线的物理波长相对应的频率“振铃”,这意味着不仅在该频率处将存在回波损耗尖峰,但是在它的所有谐波倍数。在较长的网线中,这些尖钉往往不如较短的网线那么突出; 只要它们不会导致网线超过NEXT或RL的规定限制,它们就不会引起关注。...
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